We are dedicated to providing you with high-quality products that meet your needs and expectations. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return the item(s) within 14 days of receiving your order for a full refund.
To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must be unused, in its original packaging, and in the same condition as when it was received. If the item(s) is damaged or has missing parts, we will not issue a refund.
To initiate a return, please contact our customer support team through our Contact Us page to obtain a Return Authorization Number. Please include the original order number, the name of the item(s) you would like to return, and the reason for the return.
Once we have received your return and confirmed that it meets our returns criteria, we will process your refund within 14 business days. Refunds will be credited to the original payment method used for the purchase. Shipping costs will not be refunded.
If you have received a damaged item, please contact our customer support team immediately through our Contact Us page and provide a photo of the damaged item. We will arrange for a replacement to be sent to you at no additional cost.
Please note that customized or special order items are not eligible for return or exchange.
Thank you for choosing EarthingOut. If you have any questions about our returns policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.